Build an API route in less than 2 minutes.

Create your first API route by creating a table called todos to store tasks.

Let's create our first REST route which we can query using cURL or the browser.

We'll create a database table called todos for storing tasks. This creates a corresponding API route /rest/v1/todos which can accept GET, POST, PATCH, & DELETE requests.


Set up a Supabase project with a 'todos' table

Create a new project in the Supabase Dashboard.

After your project is ready, create a table in your Supabase database. You can do this with either the Table interface or the SQL Editor.

-- Create a table called "todos"
-- with a column to store tasks.
create table todos (
id serial primary key,
task text


Allow public access

Let's turn on Row Level Security for this table and allow public access.

-- Turn on security
alter table "todos"
enable row level security;
-- Allow anonymous access
create policy "Allow public access"
on todos
for select
to anon
using (true);


Insert some dummy data

Now we can add some data to our table which we can access through our API.

insert into todos (task)
('Create tables'),
('Enable security'),
('Add data'),
('Fetch data from the API');


Fetch the data

Find your API URL and Keys in your Dashboard API Settings. You can now query your "todos" table by appending /rest/v1/todos to the API URL.

Copy this block of code, substitute <PROJECT_REF> and <ANON_KEY>, then run it from a terminal.


curl 'https://<PROJECT_REF>' \
-H "apikey: <ANON_KEY>" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <ANON_KEY>"


There are several options for accessing your data:


You can query the route in your browser, by appending the anon key as a query parameter:


Client libraries

We provide a number of Client Libraries.

const { data, error } = await supabase.from('todos').select()