Send SMS Hook
Use a custom SMS provider to send authentication messages
Runs before a message is sent. Use the hook to:
- Use a regional SMS Provider
- Use alternate messaging channels such as WhatsApp
- Adjust the message body to include platform specific fields such as the
Field | Type | Description |
user | User | The user attempting to sign in. |
sms | object | Metadata specific to the SMS sending process. Includes the OTP. |
_42{_42 "user": {_42 "id": "6481a5c1-3d37-4a56-9f6a-bee08c554965",_42 "aud": "authenticated",_42 "role": "authenticated",_42 "email": "",_42 "phone": "+1333363128",_42 "phone_confirmed_at": "2024-05-13T11:52:48.157306Z",_42 "confirmation_sent_at": "2024-05-14T12:31:52.824573Z",_42 "confirmed_at": "2024-05-13T11:52:48.157306Z",_42 "phone_change_sent_at": "2024-05-13T11:47:02.183064Z",_42 "last_sign_in_at": "2024-05-13T11:52:48.162518Z",_42 "app_metadata": {_42 "provider": "phone",_42 "providers": ["phone"]_42 },_42 "user_metadata": {},_42 "identities": [_42 {_42 "identity_id": "3be5e552-65aa-41d9-9db9-2a502f845459",_42 "id": "6481a5c1-3d37-4a56-9f6a-bee08c554965",_42 "user_id": "6481a5c1-3d37-4a56-9f6a-bee08c554965",_42 "identity_data": {_42 "email_verified": false,_42 "phone": "+1612341244428",_42 "phone_verified": true,_42 "sub": "6481a5c1-3d37-4a56-9f6a-bee08c554965"_42 },_42 "provider": "phone",_42 "last_sign_in_at": "2024-05-13T11:52:48.155562Z",_42 "created_at": "2024-05-13T11:52:48.155599Z",_42 "updated_at": "2024-05-13T11:52:48.159391Z"_42 }_42 ],_42 "created_at": "2024-05-13T11:45:33.7738Z",_42 "updated_at": "2024-05-14T12:31:52.82475Z",_42 "is_anonymous": false_42 },_42 "sms": {_42 "otp": "561166"_42 }_42}
- No outputs are required. An empty response with a status code of 200 is taken as a successful response.
Your company uses a worker to manage all messaging related jobs. For performance reasons, the messaging system sends messages in intervals via a job queue. Instead of sending a message immediately, messages are queued and sent in periodic intervals via pg_cron
Create a table to store jobs
_10create table job_queue (_10 job_id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid(),_10 job_data jsonb not null,_10 created_at timestamp default now(),_10 status text default 'pending',_10 priority int default 0,_10 retry_count int default 0,_10 max_retries int default 2,_10 scheduled_at timestamp default now()_10);
Create the hook:
_31create or replace function send_sms(event jsonb) returns void as $$_31declare_31 job_data jsonb;_31 scheduled_time timestamp;_31 priority int;_31begin_31 -- extract phone and otp from the event json_31 job_data := jsonb_build_object(_31 'phone', event->'user'->>'phone',_31 'otp', event->'sms'->>'otp'_31 );_31_31 -- calculate the nearest 5-minute window for scheduled_time_31 scheduled_time := date_trunc('minute', now()) + interval '5 minute' * floor(extract('epoch' from (now() - date_trunc('minute', now())) / 60) / 5);_31_31 -- assign priority dynamically (example logic: higher priority for earlier scheduled time)_31 priority := extract('epoch' from (scheduled_time - now()))::int;_31_31 -- insert the job into the job_queue table_31 insert into job_queue (job_data, priority, scheduled_at, max_retries)_31 values (job_data, priority, scheduled_time, 2);_31end;_31$$ language plpgsql;_31_31grant all_31 on table public.job_queue_31 to supabase_auth_admin;_31_31revoke all_31 on table public.job_queue_31 from authenticated, anon;
Create a function to periodically run and dequeue all jobs
_42create or replace function dequeue_and_run_jobs() returns void as $$_42declare_42 job record;_42begin_42 for job in_42 select * from job_queue_42 where status = 'pending'_42 and scheduled_at <= now()_42 order by priority desc, created_at_42 for update skip locked_42 loop_42 begin_42 -- add job processing logic here._42 -- for demonstration, we'll just update the job status to 'completed'._42 update job_queue_42 set status = 'completed'_42 where job_id = job.job_id;_42_42 exception when others then_42 -- handle job failure and retry logic_42 if job.retry_count < job.max_retries then_42 update job_queue_42 set retry_count = retry_count + 1,_42 scheduled_at = now() + interval '1 minute' -- delay retry by 1 minute_42 where job_id = job.job_id;_42 else_42 update job_queue_42 set status = 'failed'_42 where job_id = job.job_id;_42 end if;_42 end;_42 end loop;_42end;_42$$ language plpgsql;_42_42grant execute_42 on function public.dequeue_and_run_jobs_42 to supabase_auth_admin;_42_42revoke execute_42 on function public.dequeue_and_run_jobs_42 from authenticated, anon;
Configure pg_cron
to run the job on an interval. You can use a tool like to check that your job is running on an appropriate schedule. Ensure that pg_cron
is enabled under Database > Extensions
_10select_10 cron.schedule(_10 '* * * * *', -- this cron expression means every minute._10 'select dequeue_and_run_jobs();'_10 );