
About billing on Supabase

Subscription plans

Supabase offers different subscription plans—Free, Pro, Team, and Enterprise. For a closer look at each plan's features and pricing, visit our pricing page.

Free Plan

The Free Plan helps you get started and explore the platform. You are granted two free projects. The project limit applies across all organizations where you are an Owner or Administrator. This means you could have two Free Plan organizations with one project each, or one Free Plan organization with two projects. Paused projects do not count towards your free project limit.

Upgrading your organization to a paid plan provides additional features, and you receive a higher usage quota. You unlock the benefits of the paid plan for all projects within your organization - for example, no projects in your Pro Plan organization will be paused.

Organization-based billing

Supabase bills separately for each organization. Each organization has its own subscription, including a unique subscription plan (Free, Pro, Team, or Enterprise), payment method, billing cycle, and invoices.

Different plans cannot be mixed within a single organization. For example, you cannot have both a Pro Plan project and a Free Plan project in the same organization. To have projects on different plans, you must create separate organizations. See Project Transfers if you need to move a project to a different organization.


Monthly costs for paid plans include a fixed subscription fee based on your chosen plan and variable usage fees. To learn more about billing and cost management, refer to the following resources.

  • Your monthly invoice - For a detailed breakdown of what a monthly invoice includes
  • Manage your usage - For details on how the different usage items are billed, and how to optimize usage and reduce costs
  • Control your costs - For details on how you can control your costs in case unexpected high usage occurs

Compute costs for projects

An organization can have multiple projects. Each project includes a dedicated Postgres instance running on its own server. You are charged for the Compute resources of that server, independent of your database usage.

Read more about Compute costs.

Variable Usage Fees and Quotas

Each subscription plan includes a built-in quota for some selected usage items, such as Egress, Storage Size, or Edge Function Invocations. This quota represents your free usage allowance. If you stay within it, you incur no extra charges for these items. Only usage beyond the quota is billed as overage.

For usage items without a quota, such as Compute or Custom Domains, you are charged for your entire usage.

The quota is applied to your entire organization, independent of how many projects you launch within that organization. For billing purposes, we sum the usage across all projects in a monthly invoice.

Usage ItemFreePro/TeamEnterprise
Egress5 GB250 GB included, then $0.09 per GBCustom
Database Size500 MB8 GB disk per project included, then $0.125 per GBCustom
Monthly Active Users50,000 MAU100,000 MAU included, then $0.00325 per MAUCustom
Monthly Active Third-Party Users50 MAU50 MAU included, then $0.00325 per MAUCustom
Monthly Active SSO UsersUnavailable on Free Plan50 MAU included, then $0.015 per MAUCustom
Storage Size1 GB100 GB included, then $0.021 per GBCustom
Storage Images TransformedUnavailable on Free Plan100 included, then $5 per 1000Custom
Edge Function Invocations500,0002 million included, then $2 per millionCustom
Realtime Message Count2 million5 million included, then $2.5 per millionCustom
Realtime Peak Connections200500 included, then $10 per 1000Custom

You can find a detailed breakdown of all usage items and how they are billed on the Manage your usage page.

Project add-ons

While your subscription plan applies to your entire organization and is charged only once, you can enhance individual projects by opting into various add-ons.

  • Compute to scale your database up to 64 cores and 256 GB RAM
  • Read Replicas to scale read operations and provide resiliency
  • Disk to provision extra IOPS/throughput or use a high-performance SSD
  • Log Drains to sync Supabase logs to a logging system of your choice
  • Custom Domains to provide a branded experience
  • PITR to roll back to any specific point in time, down to the minute
  • IPv4 for a dedicated IPv4 address
  • Advanced MFA to provide other options than TOTP